Trending Web Development Frameworks in 2022

Atharva Bakde
7 min readJun 3, 2022


There are numerous web development frameworks available on the market. However, implementing the appropriate framework appears to be a difficult and time-consuming undertaking. Don’t worry, we’ve got a recommendation for you. If you’re a business owner, we recommend picking a framework that will last at least the next five years and fits your company’s goals and resources. If you’re a web developer seeking work, look for a framework that fits your profile and is in high demand.

Still, do you require our assistance in determining which is the greatest web development framework for 2022? Okay, we’ve compiled a list of the most popular web frameworks for the year 2022. To make web development easier, you can pick your preference. Before you choose the correct frameworks for your web app, you must first make your decision, because the framework you choose as a developer has a big impact on how your website performs and appears.

Before we go into the details of these top web development frameworks, we’d like to address some common user questions, such as what web development frameworks are. What are the benefits of using web frameworks?

What is a framework in web development??

In web development, a framework is a software platform for creating web applications and websites. A web framework is a set of libraries and modules that aid in the creation of web applications. By modifying the current components of a web framework, developers can construct personalized web apps.

Web services, web APIs, and other web resources can all be developed using web development frameworks.

Why do we need to use frameworks??

Web frameworks assist web developers in creating applications with structure. Using web frameworks, we can add extra functionality without putting in too much effort. Developers can save a lot of time by using web frameworks. Many development frameworks have established coding techniques, which help developers to systematize their programming processes and avoid defects and errors. The framework’s goal is to create a standard structure so that developers don’t have to reinvent the wheel and may reuse the existing code. A framework ensures the long-term viability of your apps.

What is the difference between frontend and backend frameworks??

Frontend and backend frameworks, often known as client-side and server-side frameworks, are two types of development frameworks. Client-side frameworks deal with the user interface (UI), whereas server-side frameworks operate in the background (backend) to guarantee that the website runs smoothly. Frontend frameworks include React, Vue, Bootstrap, Ember, and Angular, while backend frameworks include Django, Ruby On Rails, Express, Spring, and ASP.NET Core. Front-end languages include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery, whereas back-end languages include Python, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, and.NET.

Now, We are going to describe some of the top web frameworks of 2022 in the market:

React JS

ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript front-end library. JavaScript or Typescript can also be used with React. Node.js is also used by the React framework. React is a good alternative if you’re seeking an open-source and lighter-weight web development framework. React JS is one of the most popular front-end frameworks in 2022, as well as one of the greatest web development frameworks in the future.

ReactJS is maintained by Facebook(now Meta) while being supported by a massive community of reacting developers.

Remember that React is a library for front-end programming, not a framework. However, many web developers regard it as a framework, thus we included it in this list.

Angular JS

Angular.JS, one of the most famous and well-known frameworks, is created by Google. Angular is a framework that allows you to create large-scale, high-quality online applications while making them simple to maintain. There are a plethora of online applications that use Angular.

It’s a JavaScript open-source framework that lets you create single-page web apps using the MVC (Model-Controller-View) architecture pattern.

Although it is not a full-stack framework, you can think of it as a front-end framework that is excellent for managing your Webpages. Angular Focuses on Robustness and stability so if you want to build a headless commerce application, you’ll need Angular.js in your arsenal.


Vue.js is the fastest and lightest JavaScript library for user interface components. We can create fantastic dynamic UIs and Single Page Applications in less time with Vue. Vue.js comes with several components that can help you create a unified user interface. Evan You, a former Google engineer, is the creator of Vue.js. Multiple third-party systems can be integrated with Vue.

Vue is a hybrid of AngularJS (View Layer) and React (Virtual DOM), and it’s a great replacement for both Angular and React. If you want to improve the performance of your applications, this open-source framework can help.


Another web development framework is Spring Framework, which serves as a programming and configuration model for Java-based enterprise applications. On the Java EE platform, it’s utilized to make web apps.

The Spring Framework can be used in huge companies where web applications have been around for a long time and are operated on JDK and app servers. Also, use the Spring framework to provide trustworthy transaction management, caching, security, and logging.

According to SimilarTech, 2,935 websites are using the Spring framework. It is most popular among businesses in the News and Media domain.


For 2022 and many years to follow, this will remain one of the most popular web frameworks. Many developers now consider this compact, quick, and feature-rich JavaScript library vital because it provides so many tools. JQuery has grown in popularity to the point where many people are unable to distinguish between vanilla JavaScript and jQuery. In addition, it is a popular JavaScript library for creating user interfaces. It’s popular among developers because of its ease of use and cross-browser compatibility. jQuery’s clear and simple syntax makes it easy to deal with DOM elements on web pages. You can also generate spectacular effects.

Ruby on rails

Ruby On Rails is a server-side framework that allows you to create web applications using the Ruby programming language. This web development framework includes all of the tools and libraries needed to create database-driven online applications.

Choose the Rails framework if you want your web developers to construct your project by making repetitive and simple chores easier. Ruby on Rails accelerates the development of apps, which is why you should use it to create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for a startup.


When it comes to creating a lightweight, yet extremely efficient website, Node.js is unquestionably the best option. It’s amazing how effectively it works with real-time applications that process a large volume of data across multiple dispersed devices. Node.js is so much more than a framework. It has the capacity to ensure scalability and quick network applications since it can handle several applications at once without sacrificing speed.


Laravel is a PHP-based server-side web framework that was first released in 2011. Laravel follows the “Ruby on Rails” philosophy of CoC and has numerous out-of-the-box functionalities that are needed for enterprise web development.

Laravel includes API support and a large number of packages. It has a lot of cool features like dependency injection and server-side rendering. Everything you’d expect a modern website to have, including OAuth2 implementation, subscription billing, zero-downtime deployments, and app scaling, is built-in natively with Laravel.

Final words

We hope you find this information interesting. We’ve covered the most popular web application frameworks in this article. Each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, and each excels in a certain application.

For good reason, JavaScript-based frameworks are currently the most popular in the market. The most popular JavaScript client-side frameworks are Angular, React, and Vue.js.

PHP Laravel and Ruby on Rails are the most popular web frameworks for small and medium-sized businesses, as well as huge corporations that seek rapid development.

We’ve tried to list the top web frameworks available as of 2022.

Author:- Atharva Bakde

